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Why choose mojoMETER?

mojoMETER is a next generation ‘smart survey’ that utilises the latest technology and great user experience to bring you the results you need.

“Excellent at genuinely engaging our colleges and students in completing their innovative approach. This gave us meaningful data and strong insights that really changed how we work and brought us much closer to our students.”
Director of Student Experience, Canterbury College

SMARTsurvey functionality

Intelligent insights

Reach out to everyone

More About Mojo

Why choose mojoMETER?

mojoMETER is a next generation smart survey that utilises the latest technology and great user experience to help you get the most out of your project.

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How we work

Designing, deploying and managing survey projects is our business. We have many years of experience in engaging young people and delivering powerful insights to commissioners.

Setting up a project with us is easy, come and find out more..

What you get

From headline insights to deep dive capabilities, our project dashboard combines great user experience and navigation with genuine insight to support you and your learners.

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Find out more about what Mojo can do
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