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How we work

Designing, deploying and managing survey projects is our business. We have many years of experience in engaging young people and delivering powerful insights to commissioners.

Our Project Management Approach

We use PRINCE2 Project Management methodology (PRINCE2 is a de facto standard used by the UK Government, widely recognised and practised in the private sector in the UK and internationally), with all of our Project Managers trained to Practitioner level. We have adapted and scaled these to better suit the range and scope of the projects we work on. Following the initial meeting, we will develop a proactive risk management plan which will be monitored and kept updated throughout the project. The project is yours – We will share our knowledge, tools, methodologies, skills and experience, but will focus on facilitating, supporting and working with you in a dynamic and interactive process. The ownership of the project remains with you and we will be part of your team.

Project Features

Every mojoMETER project, however big or small, is given the same expert attention by our project team. We have designed the application to:

Risk and Opportunity

Every project carries risks that need to be mitigated. Our delivery experience allows us to proactively identify, manage and control these challenges to ensure that your project stays on track. Equally, every project has the capacity to deliver more than the expected standard and we are fully committed to exploring and utilising every opportunity to exceed your expectations and deliver outstanding value. A risk and opportunity register is established at project conception and forms an integral part of the service implementation plan, including revision at all milestones and project gate reviews.

Setting up a mojoMETER project could not be simpler, these basic steps get you and organisation up and running

Planning phase

Delivery phase

Review phase

confident and competent

always adding value

professional project management

More About Mojo

Why choose mojoMETER?

mojoMETER is a next generation smart survey that utilises the latest technology and great user experience to help you get the most out of your project.

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How we work

Designing, deploying and managing survey projects is our business. We have many years of experience in engaging young people and delivering powerful insights to commissioners.

Setting up a project with us is easy, come and find out more..

What you get

From headline insights to deep dive capabilities, our project dashboard combines great user experience and navigation with genuine insight to support you and your learners.

Come and find out more..

Find out more about what Mojo can do
Telephone: 0800 634 9382 or Email: